A Message from Our Board: Our Next Phase of Progressive Philanthropy

Peggy has led Common Counsel Foundation with vision, generosity, trust, and most importantly, intention. She has challenged us – Staff and Board – to now do the same.

Looking to our next phase with strength, love and hope. Common Counsel Foundation is seeking our next executive director to lead us in as we continue to push the edge of progressive philanthropy.

Dear Friends, Partners and Allies,

We write to share an announcement, a request and a call.

First, the announcement: at the end of 2022, Peggy Saika will be stepping down as the interim executive director of the Common Counsel Foundation (CCF). This is a planned transition, one spurred by Peggy’s own career-long commitment to growing leadership in philanthropy. It’s an embodiment of the way she has led CCF: with vision, generosity, trust, and most importantly, intention. She has challenged us – Staff and Board – to now do the same. And, to look to the future with strength, love and hope. 

It goes without saying that in her tenure, Peggy has transformed CCF. When she joined us at the end of 2018, it was an uncertain and chaotic time for us as an institution and, especially, for our partners on the ground. Peggy understood that the core of our work, getting funds directly to grassroots organizations and to social movements, was more essential than ever. And, she brought all our resources, relationships and 30 years of experience to the task. Under Peggy’s leadership, we are proud to say that CCF has:

  • Grown strong multi-partner collaboratives and pooled funds, leveraging both strategic networks and millions of dollars toward transformative social change.
  • Welcomed new donors, families and philanthropies to our funding community, bringing new resources and new models of giving.
  • Helped to incubate and accelerate social justice movement formations across the country who are building community power.
  • Built a strong, resourceful and skilled team of seasoned movement and philanthropic leaders.
  • Increased our annual grantmaking by 500%, from $4 million in 2017 to $20 million in 2021. Over 80% of those funds ($16 million in 2021 alone) were for general operating support.

We are confident that CCF is in the strongest place it has ever been.

Which brings us to our request: we need all the members of our community to help us as we embark on this new journey. We have hired Strategies for Social Change to help us manage the transition and have formed a Leadership Transition Committee, led by Staff and Board. We know that this work is all about relationships. And, that you all hold the most essential ones. You know CCF. And, our work. We believe that CCF is essential. And, we look forward to welcoming another essential leader. Please share the position announcement widely.

And, finally, a call: for celebration. There will be many ways in the coming months for the CCF community to reflect on, celebrate, and appreciate Peggy. On behalf of the Board of Directors, we want to express our profound gratitude to Peggy for her leadership and love. We look forward to celebrating together soon. Stay tuned!

In Solidarity, 

Alex Tom & China Ching
Chair and Vice Chair, Board of Directors
Common Counsel Foundation

Learn more about the leadership search and view the full job announcement at commoncounsel.org/leadership
